飯塚小玕斎《白錆花籠 雲龍》1990年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
飯塚琅玕斎《花籃 旅枕》1940年代前半
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
勝城蒼鳳《花籃 起耕》1999年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
藤沼昇《網代編盛籃 無双》2012年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
三世早川尚古斎《堤梁花籃 舞蛙》1918 年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
門田篁玉《維新》1981 年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
四代田辺竹雲斎《舟形花籃 出帆》2015 年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
生野徳三《洸》1993 年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
本田聖流《舞》2000 年
The Abbey Collection,“Promised Gift of Diane and Arthur Abbey to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
Images© The Metropolitan Museum of Art.